My Favorites

Table of Contents

  1. Books
  2. Apps
  3. Code
  4. Travel
  5. Music
  6. Food
  7. Freedom


Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Martin Kleppmann

Designing Data-Intensive Applications

The go-to book for understanding the intricacies of data storage and processing. Amazon >

Principles - Ray Dalio


Dalio proposes a team management methodology that aims to eliminate all irrational aspects of a person during work. In my experience, it's often more effective to consider and harness these irrational aspects. Website >

Zero to One - Peter Thiel

Zero to One

A thought-provoking book that presents compelling arguments for pursuing monopolies in niche markets and building cohesive, almost cult-like teams. Amazon >

The Mom Test - Rob Fitzpatrick

Mom's Test

Offers insights on how to effectively uncover what users truly need. Website >


Obsidian - Note-taking system


I use Obsidian to summarize all the papers I read. Each node on the graph represents a paper, mathematical concept, or business principle. Website >

Check out my data processing pipeline using Obsidian and Cursor.

Cursor - Best IDE


Cursor provides context-aware, development-focused autocomplete features. It outperforms Copilot and other similar tools. Even Sam Altman uses it. I have a rule that everyone on my team should use it. Once they see how it works, they download it immediately. As a VSCode fork, migration is straightforward and takes only a few minutes.
Website >

Arc - Best browser


Go-to browser based on Chromium.
Website >

Ball - BALL


Look, someone's nose fell off.


I've compiled a list of best practices for what to learn.

P.S. While I've developed quite a few apps using Dart, I'm now focusing on TypeScript due to its versatility and robust type system.

Also, BEAM is the best thing that ever happened to coding.


Places I've visited:




Through empirical observation, I've come to conclusions that align with libertarian principles. I value both social and economic freedom.

Hidden link to MAFFIX website: tic
